Sunday 28 April 2013

garage makeover: pegboard tool storage

We are slowly making progress on the garage, with our pegboard tool storage finally up! Kym's parents gave us a couple of pegboards they had lying around and we used screws we already had. The only financial cost was a 'top up' of pegboard hooks totalling $6.50!

A few lessons from our pegboard project: 

Ask around: See if you can get something secondhand before spending money on the 'unnecessary new'.

Borrow tools you don't already own: We borrowed a couple of drill bits for this project, as it seemed a waste of money to purchase special tools we'd use only once.

Use what you have: We used mismatching nails we already had to hold the pegboards up, knowing this achieved the same goal (and we'd be the only ones who would notice the difference).

What's left to do? 

  1. Send the two large wardrobes to the Salvos (cheat: I did this before our recent holiday)
  2. Organise tools and give all 'doubles' and 'triples' to the Salvos (we have about three sets of tools from those passed down to us from family) 
  3. Put a pegboard up on the wall to store the smaller tools
  4. Find a suitable place for the bureau inside the house (it's taking up all kinds of room in the garage and isn't being used to store anything) 
  5. Organise hard rubbish collection with our local council (we desperately need a junk collection session sooooooooon for that stained carpet and disassembled furniture!) 
  6. Implement a new garage storage system... shallow, open shelving is my preferred option for tools that can't hang on the pegboard (e.g. sander, drills, plant pots). 
  7. Take all the bottles/cans to the recycling depot
  8. Sell the weights bench
  9. Find a new home for the mini-fridge (we're looking after it for someone else)
  10. Finish re-upholstering the 30's chairs so they can live inside the house
  11. Get an electrician in to check the power point and light (we're concerned they were a home job by previous owners and not entirely safe)
  12. FInd a permanent and more practical home for the garden tools to leave more room in the garage for house and car tools (and maybe one day even a car *gasp*)
Progress is happening, even with some new tasks added! 

We have some added motivation because we need space in the garage to temporarily store materials for our retaining walls as we work on those. Nothing like a second incentive to finish a job, even if it is going to re-fill the garage with project materials! Thankfully, the retaining wall project has a deadline as they are so desperate to be replaced! 

What did you do this ANZAC weekend? 

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