Thursday 18 November 2010

Why I Heart Upcycling (and you should too)

Hi lovelies,

I've been doing a mighty lot of upcycling of late. I turned a skirt into a dress, a tabletop into an indoor plant stand and am currently attempting to put new legs on a tiled outdoor table so that we can use as an indoor coffee table.

For those unfamiliar with the term “upcycle”, it’s all about taking something old and making it something new. Not to be confused with restoration, it’s all about taking something that just isn't right and turning it into something useful and/or beautiful. This is sort of like the CD magnets I made recently.

And, because I am all about ideas and not at all interested in follow through, here’s some more of my grand plans:
  • Mugs and teacups into seedling pots
  • Broken chairs into garden features
  • Moo-moos into skirts, tablecloths, curtains…..
  • Newspaper into recycled cards

Do you have an upcycle story?

Kate xxx

ps. I'd love to see some pics! You can email them to me at (let me know if you're happy for me to stick them up here for others to see)


  1. Coincidence? SouleMama has a fantastic upcycle story. Check it out at

  2. 2 questions:
    1. Where are you getting Moo Moos from?
    2. Have you found the paper recycling kit yet? I have forgotten to look on ebay

    LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE the teacups into seedling pots so very very cute idea! I was actually walking past a shop in Semaphore last night and they had the most gorgeous pair of tea cups with saucers, white with silver butterflies and swirls and I thought Kate would LOVE those! Alas, I have no money :(

  3. 1. Op shops, my dear! Well, that and hand me downs from others who bought them at op shops with similar grand plans of upcycling!
    2. Haven't found a kit for it yet, however if you google "how to make recycled paper" theres a few DIY kit ideas, such as using old coat hangers and picture frames. I'm keen to try these easy options out before spending money on buying/making a kit... Will keep you posted!

    Oh teacups... I do love tea!!!



thanks for your comments, I love to hear from you!


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