Wednesday, 19 December 2012

writing's on the wall

I married a politics nerd. A big one. So big a politics nerd is he, that we have in our home a personal collection of Hansard circa 1950s-80s. You saw a hint of them in a photo when I mentioned our hoarding problem, but you're about to see a whole lot more. 

Behold, Hansard: 

But wait. There is more. Witness, Senate hiding amongst the Ivar...

That, my friends, is what I like to call "A Crap-load of Hansard". 

While you soak that thought in for a moment, here's a question: What should I do with that wall now? 

Here's a few paint colour options I toyed with on Photoshop (please excuse the less-than-average-special-effects):

Any you particularly like? And... would you just paint the wood, or also paint the wall tile? And... would you paint the bookshelves? And... would you white wash or block colour? 

What should I do with that wall now? It's such a loaded question. 


  1. Hi Kate,
    Hope you don't take offence but those crazy books dominate the entire space.It could be a nice cosy nook in front of the open fire with art works on the wall and a neutral back drop of maybe a mud brick colour with splashes of green and burnt orange.

    1. Sue, I TOTALLY agree with you that the books are dominating the room! I was thinking of making it into a bit of a thinking/reading nook, and I LOVE the idea of sticking a bunch of art work on the wall to try and break it up a bit. I think there's potential for it to look quirky-cool, but I suspect there's a little way to go until I get there!!! I read a post on Young House Love that was called "The Middle Makes No Sense", and that principle definitely applies to this room! Here's hoping further progress improved the overwhelming-ness of the books!

  2. Kate - no to first colour too plain - I like the 3rd, 4th and 5th colours :) (blue, green, red)

  3. I think I like the blue best too. Make sure you go with what you love best - you'll be stuck with it!!

    1. I have to say, blue was my favourite when going through the poss choices, which was bizarre, because I REALLY am NOT a blue person! I think it makes the other colours in the room 'pop', but I suspect I will need to paint the bookshelves too for that one, or there will be a whole world of new colours in the room and it might just clash!


thanks for your comments, I love to hear from you!


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