Monday, 20 August 2012

diy: easy peasy quilt cover

It may have taken the best part of 8 months, but I've finally finished the quilt cover for the so-much-of-my-junk-I-feel-bad-for-my-friends-that-sleep-there guest room. I shared about the beginning stages of the project here back in February. In a nutshell, the whole project involved

  1. Sewing tiny scraps of fabric together
  2. Sewing huge scraps to the tiny scraps
  3. Sewing more scraps until the whole thing was "double bed quilt" size
  4. Sewing the bottom and sides together in the same manner as my tea towel cushions
  5. Hoping for the best

As amateur as it is, I'm super happy with it. It's cute, brightens up the room (when not covered with junk) and adds another personal touch to the space. It was a cool way for me to use all those bits of fabric that I loved and didn't have the heart to throw away (but had no other use for).

Apologies for the very average, cramped photos- I couldn't actually get any further away from the bed because of the mess on the floor! Hmmmmm perhaps I should allocate myself with weekly room tidying projects so I don't have to keep fear cleaning...

Any new housey projects lately?

Kate xx


  1. love it!! you should be proud!

    1. Thanks, I am :) It's one step closer to total confidence with the sewing machine!!

  2. Love your quilt cover.Gave me some ideas.I just had my sewing machine serviced,so I might get into making new recycled quilts for my boys,fur kids that is :)

    1. Good idea! I'd love to see them when you're done... Keep me posted!


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