Saturday 22 June 2013

garage makeover: room to spare

As I mentioned in our recent retaining wall post, we've made some more progress in our garage makeover. While there's still a whole lot to do to finish this baby so she can fit an actual, life size car, there's now enough room to store the Permapine sleepers for our retaining wall project and even have a walkway. We haven't had a clear walkway in the garage for 2+ years. *Shame* 

Kym sold the weights bench via Facebook. We bought two $15 Hyllis shelving units from Ikea. We moved the three bicycles out of the garage, and into the patio to make space (not an ideal way to manage our space problem, but it'll do, for now). 

What's left to do? 
  1. Send the two large wardrobes to the Salvos (cheat: I did this before our recent holiday)
  2. Organise tools and give all 'doubles' and 'triples' to the Salvos (we have about three sets of tools from those passed down to us from family... We're waiting now waiting on others who have offered to take some of the leftovers off-our hands before we head to the Salvos) 
  3. Put a pegboard up on the wall to store the smaller tools
  4. Find a suitable place for the bureau inside the house (it's taking up all kinds of room in the garage and isn't being used to store anything) 
  5. Organise hard rubbish collection with our local council (we desperately need a junk collection session sooooooooon for that stained carpet and disassembled furniture!) 
  6. Implement a new garage storage system... shallow, open shelving is my preferred option for tools that can't hang on the pegboard (e.g. sander, drills, plant pots). We still need to organise the car-tools and find a permanent home for the garden tools (See Item 12) to really know if the storage we bought is sufficient. 
  7. Take all the bottles/cans to the recycling depot
  8. Sell the weights bench
  9. Find a new home for the mini-fridge (we're looking after it for someone else)
  10. Finish re-upholstering the 30's chairs and put inside the house
  11. Get an electrician in to check the power point and light (we're concerned it's a home job by previous owners and not entirely safe)
  12. Find a permanent and more practical home for the garden tools to leave more room in the garage for house and car tools
  13. Fix and/or sell our third bicycle
  14. Fix and sell the motorbike

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